Of course, the things I love most aren't things, they are people and experiences. The older you get, the more you start to realize that is what it's all about. Still, Valentine's Day is nothing if not a rather superficial holiday so in honor of this much-maligned but ulimately fun holiday, here are some random things and people and places that I'm loving right now.
I've always loved paper! I used to want to open a stationery store (back when they actually had such things) and people at work laugh at me when I'm picking out paper for a flier or invitation, as I can talk about it in quite technical terms (as in "I'm thinking 80 pound bonded stark white A7 cards"). I think Valentine's Day is a great opportunity to take advantage of tradition and send someone a real, honest-to-goodness Valentine. Made of paper. That's right, go out, buy a card (or better yet, make it) and stick in in an envelope with a stamp. Now that's love!
One of my favorite online sources of inspiration for all things paper goods-related is Wiley Valentine. This lovely shop has all kind of goodies from custom stationery to yummy party invites. They keep a blog that's a collection of all their beautiful work, what is inspiring them right now, and inspiration boards with themes like "Mid-Summer Night's Dream." The colors and fonts are so beautiful I'm often tempted to lick my screen.
Jack Johnson - En Concert Um, so I met Jack Johnson when I was in college (I've told everyone I've ever met this story, so sorry to repeat myself so much) and he is the nicest, most down-to-earth guy. I think I hugged him for an inappropriate amount of time because I really just wanted to marry him. Fortunately for both of us, he was already married so I couldn't make a complete fool of myself. Anyway, my favorite song on this CD is Constellations with Eddie Vedder. EDDIE VEDDER! "Nough said.
Valentine's Day Soundtrack Well, doesn't this fit splendidly into my theme? But even more, this whole soundtrack is a light-hearted, happy set of songs that are bound to please many. And my husband thinks I'm crazy, but I love Taylor Swift. I think she's so cute! She sings two songs on this CD. It also has some fun remakes of older songs, like I'm Into Something Good by the bird and the bee.

I'm slightly obsessed with going to the City of Lights sometime this year. I think I'm driving my husband kind of crazy about it. I just think it's one of the most beautiful cities in the world and there is so much I want to see. But I just about fell out of my chair when I saw this vintage map of Paris at Restoration Hardware. Oh, wow. It's beautiful, historical, and combines my love for maps and vintage stuff with Paris. Anybody have an extra $1795 so I can hang this in my house? Oh, and some money for a new house, too (I don't think our apartment has a wall big enough to accomodate)?

Okay, I think it is soooo cheesy to get married on Valentine's Day, but that is exactly what my parents tried to do. It didn't work out quite right scheduling-wise, so they got married a few days before V-Day. But having grown up with it, I've come to realize that having your anniversary around Valentine's Day is both romantic and so practical! (So go ahead, get married on V-Day, I'll roll my eyes a couple times before and then think it's adorable later on).
My parents just marked their 35th year of being married. That is such an amazing accomplishment. They are a wonderful example to me of a solid, Godly marriage and I feel very blessed to come from a family with two parents who stayed together. Happy Anniversary to you both!
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