Of course, his solution was to get two. Um, not going to happen! We've barely managed to keep a plant alive; a puppy is a huge step. Two puppies would be insanity.
And then, there was her. When all the little puppies romped and nipped and yipped, she quietly sat there taking it all in. And one by one they all fell into a deep sleep, as puppies tend to do, and she remained. She tentatively sniffed me out and crawled into my lap, and that was pretty much the end of that. Four weeks later, we returned and she was ours.
We named her Friday, after an old movie and a Cure song. And, like a Friday ushers in the weekend and all kinds of fun, she has brought much joy and fun to our lives in the few short weeks she's been with us.

Obviously, my dog needs the right accessories and a monogrammed bag was the perfect place to start. Now if only I could convince Husband to let me get her a little plaid coat and beret...
Oh my!! I'm DYING...I looooove her! :)