I had so much fun hanging out with Caitlin and Josh and their two adorable children a couple weekends ago at the Lincoln Park Zoo. We braved the first real week of fall weather we've had in Chicago, which I've found veers from very brisk to super sunny. By the way, people here CRACK UP when I tell them that this weather in early October (low 60s during the day, 40s at night) is like winter in Southern California.
It definitely was on the cooler side during the session but the sun kept popping out, making metering a challenge when I'm also trying to keep up with two very active kids. Parents, I don't know how you do it! Josh and Caitlin made it look easy and their fun, laid-back style is reflected in this casual and playful session.
And yes, they are all ridiculously good-looking!

These are great, Jamie! I love the ones of the little boy on the bench!