Ever since I saw the movie "Baby Boom" (great 80s movie, by the way if you haven't seen it) I totally wanted to live on an Apple Farm. Well, maybe not live on one, but at least go apple picking and drink hot cider at one. On a recent trip to Lake Geneva, we detoured for a tour of this gorgeous apple farm as well as an apple cider doughnut. Yum! And who wouldn't want to purchase a peck of apples? It's not like you can do that every day.
It was on this trip that I really had to embrace fall. You see, I don't like fall very much because it just means winter is around the corner. I know there are so many people that love the four seasons, but I'm just not one of them. The thing is, however, that fall can be really beautiful and it's going to happen no matter what. So I am learning to enjoy it as best I can and the scenery was truly beautiful.
How do you like them apples?!

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