I'm not sure what it is about this time of year, but I've gone from really disliking to kind of loving the end of the year. It's a sentimental time, after all the wrapping paper has been put away and winter has really set in. Maybe it's because of the movie When Harry Met Sally when New Year's Eve plays such a pivotal role in their love story or the fact that I love Auld Lang Syne (and Robert Burns, the poet who authored the piece that became the song).
The lyrics of Auld Lang Syne remind us to remember old times and cherish relationships. A photographer who I really admire (and am honored to have taken her workshop) repeatedly reminds us photographers to do this as well. It's easy to get tied up in creating, in the artistic side of this business and forget how important the brand and relationships we've built are. Reflection also allows us to constantly grow and learn. I'm proud of the photographer I've become, but even more proud that I've gotten so much better over time and constantly am seeking ways to improve.
Below, I'm sharing some of my favorite moments from this past year at For the Love Photography. How blessed I am to capture these special moments and help people turn their memories into works of art! Thank you for sharing in and supporting my journey.
To my mostly silent readers, please feel free to comment on this one. :)
Happy New Year!