When Caitlin asked me to come take photos at her daughter's fourth birthday party, I wasn't sure what to expect. I haven't been to a kids' birthday party since, well, I was a kid! The party was held at The Little Gym, which is kind of like a kids' paradise of things to climb on and jump on.
Trying to keep up with twenty four-year-olds highlighted how much I've been skipping the gym lately, but I couldn't help but smile when looking at these images at the sheer delight and energy all the kids had. After playtime, we headed into a party room to eat burritos and cupcakes. One little girl ate all the frosting off her cupcake and handed it back. Love that! Isn't that how we should live life, just taking the best part and enjoying it fully? Kind of makes me want to be four again.
Dreaming of just the frosting,

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