I haven't posted about Friday lately and several people were asking how she is doing. In general, the answer is she is doing great. However, we took Friday to get fixed yesterday. I hated to do it, but that is part of being a responsible dog owner. When I went in to pick her up, they told me she can't run, jump, or play and absolutely under no circumstance should she lick the incision. The kind vet assistant told me, "It shouldn't be a problem today because they're so out of it she'll probably just sleep." Of course, then when she brought Friday out two seconds later she was wriggling, jumping up my leg, and promptly started licking her wound.
I brought her home and she was so tired and sore she could only lay around and whimper... and lick her incision! So to top it all off, I am hanging out all day with a dog in a cone. I can't help but laugh because it is comical watching her trying to get around. Still, she is having a regular puppy pity party for herself and doing her best to try to make me feel guilty enough to remove the cone.
Trying to stay strong,

Here she is trying not to fall asleep. Actually, she's probably glaring at me.